作者:吴尚霖1,鞠康1,段春争1,孔金星2 单位:1大连理工大学机械工程学院;2中国工程物理研究院机械制造工艺研究所
Dynamic Mechanical Properties and Constitutive Model of Finegrained T2 Copper
Wu Shanglin,Ju Kang,Duan Chunzheng,Kong Jinxing
Abstract:Grain size is one of the important factors affecting the mechanical properties of polycrystalline metal materials.Studying the dynamic mechanical properties of finegrained T2 copper at high temperature and high strain rate and establishing its constitutive model have important significance for cutting process.In this paper,the quasistatic compression tests of the T2 copper sample are carried out by electronic force tester,and dynamic compression tests at different strain rates and different temperatures are performed by Hopkinson pressure bar device.The results show that the pure copper material has obvious strain strengthening effect and temperature softening effect.Its strength under dynamic compression is higher than that under quasistatic compression.However,there is no obvious strain rate strengthening effect in the high strain rate region.The parameters of the constitutive equation of the finegrained T2 pure copper are obtained based on the JohnsonCook constitutive model.The fitting curves agree well with the experimental results.
Keywords:T2 copper;high strain rate;stressstrain curve;JohnsonCook constitutive model