Inconel 718镍基高温合金车削切削力和切削温度分析
摘要:为探究切削参数对难加工材料Inconel 718镍基高温合金切削力和切削温度的影响规律,基于田口法对Inconel 718材料进行正交切削仿真试验,采用单因素分析方法、灰关联度分析方法对比分析切削三要素对切削力、切削温度的影响,研究结果为Inconel 718 镍基高温合金高效切削加工提供理论支撑。
Analysis of Cutting Force and Cutting Temperature of Nickelbased
Superalloy Inconel 718 Based on Grey Relational Analysis
Wang Zhe,Li Lei,Shen Xuehong
Abstract:In order to explore the influence of cutting parameters on cutting force and cutting temperature of a nickelbased superalloy Inconel 718,which is a difficulttomachine material.Orthogonal cutting simulation experiment is carried out based on Taguchi method.The influence of cutting parameters on cutting force and cutting temperature is analyzed by single factor analysis method and grey correlation analysis method.The research results provide theoretical support for efficient cutting of nickelbased superalloy Inconel 718.
Keywords:nickelbased superalloy;cutting force;cutting temperature;grey correlation analysis