作者:朱宇栋,陈於学 单位:华中科技大学
Generation and Elimination of Light Halo in High Curvature 
Optical Glasses Visual Inspection
Zhu Yudong,Chen Yuxue
Abstract:In the process of detecting flaws which are on the surface of optical glasses through machine vision technology.About the problem that the halo generated when detecting high curvature optical glasses have a big influence on flaw detection.From the perspective of the curvature of the optical glasses,it is qualitatively analyzed that with the increase of the curvature of the optical glasses,the generation of halo is inevitable.Afterwards,a lighting model is established combining with the specific experiment,from the perspective of the focal length of optical glasses,it is quantitatively analyzed the mathematic relation between halo radius and optical glasses focal length.Finally,two methods which are polarization method and differential pretreatment are given to solve the halo and get good effect.It is a good basics for later flaw detection.
Keywords:optical glasses;flaws visual inspection;halo elimination