中图分类号:TG707; TH161文献标志码:A
Experimental Research on Welding of Multiedged PCD Cutting Tools
Fang Yu,Dong Hai,Wang Lei,Zhu Yuanqi
Abstract:Based on the welding process of singleedged PCD tool,the device of auxiliary heat dissipation is used to realize the welding of multiedged PCD tool by high frequency induction brazing.The micro structure and element distribution of welds are analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron probes to explore the effect of reheating on the brazing quality of multiedged PCD tools.The result of test shows that reheating process with auxiliary cooling device intensifies the flow of solder in the weld,making the fusion of solder at the weld boundary more fully and the weld joints tighter.The electron probes is used to analyze the specific elements of the weld.The result shows that the miscibility of Cu and Ni intensifies after being reheated,making the distribution of elements more uniform,there is a tendency for the elements at the weld boundary to diffuse deeper into the base metal.The test shows that the reheatingwith the auxiliary cooling device has little effect on brazing quality of the multiedged PCD tool,which has proved the feasibility of the welding scheme.
Keywords:multiedged PCD tool;hifrequency induction brazing;reheating;brazing quality