作者:陶亮1,陈海虹1,陈超2,刘爱军1 单位:1贵州理工学院;2襄阳汽车轴承股份有限公司工具分厂
Investigation of Surface Residual Stresses in Hard Machining of Bearing Steel
Tao Liang,Chen Haihong,Chen Chao,Liu Aijun
Abstract:A finite element analysis is presented based on the machining simulation software AdvantEdge FEM to investigate the effect of cutting parameters on residual stresses when orthogonal dry cutting hardened bearing steel using CBN tools.The results obtained from this study show that the residual stress at the machined surface is residual compressive stress and become more tensile than compressive beneath the machined surface,the increase of cutting speed leads the magnitude of residual compressive stress to increase firstly then decrease,and the thickness of compressive stress with a little change.The magnitude of residual compressive stress and the thickness of compressive layer increase with the increase of feed rate.The magnitude of residual compressive and the thickness of compressive have changed within a narrow range with the increase of depth of cut.A theoretical guidance for the control of residual stresses and optimization of process parameters can be provided in this study.
Keywords:cutting parameters;harddry cutting;residual stress;AdvantEdge