作者:张晓飞1,2,辛志杰1,2,史寅栋1,2,张鹏1,2,余少华1,2 单位:1中北大学;2山西省深孔加工工程技术研究中心
Vibration Characteristics and Auxiliary Support Position Optimization 
of BTA Deep Hole Drill Pipe
Zhang Xiaofei,Xin Zhijie,Shi Yindong,Zhang Peng,Yu Shaohua
Abstract:BTA deep hole machining technology is mainly used in special manufacturing fields,but the longdiameter ratio of longdistance drill pipe system is poor in rigidity,the phenomenon of machining chatter is prominent,and the workpiece roundness quality is difficult to accurately control.In actual processing,it is found that the longspan drill pipe auxiliary support position has a greater impact on the overall stiffness and nonlinear vibration phenomena of the drill pipe system.Theoretical studies have also shown that optimizing the position of the support point can increase the overall stiffness of the system,inhibit the nonlinear vibration source from interfering with the drill pipe system and generate abnormal vibration of the tool.The vibration characteristics of the drillrod system are obtained by using simulation to change the auxiliary support position.Combined with the vibration test under the static and working conditions of the drillpipe system,an iterative verification method is used to ensure the accuracy of the model establishment.The results show that there is a followup optimization interval at the position of the support point of the farspan BTA deep hole drill pipe system 6000mm length.The discovery of this interval provides certain research theories and reference suggestions for the field of BTA deep hole manufacturing.
Keywords:BTA deep hole drill pipe;auxiliary support position;stiffness;roundness error