中图分类号:TG71; TG702 ;TP181;O212文献标志码:A
Optimization of Cutter Processes Based on Bayesian Algorithm
Li Lijuan,Guo Tianci,Cao Yan,Liu Juhua,Sun Xiahui
Abstract:To solve the integration scheduling problem of process flow and tool flow in FMS (flexible manufacturing system),aiming at the objective of minimizing the total production time,an optimization method based on improved Bayesian algorithm is proposed.A probabilistic description model based on variable values is constructed,which is to improve the Bayesian network.The historical operation experience is the initial solution group,and then the new feasible solution is generated by the constructed model to form the next generation solution group.The results show that this model is better than the traditional genetic algorithm and Bayesian algorithm in that the overall tool utilization rate and overall machine tool utilization rate are 9%,11% and 4%,7%.
Keywords:FMS;Bayesian algorithm;process flow