Study on Defects in High Speed Drilling of Aramid Fiber Reinforced Plastic
Yu Jie, Lin Youxi, Fan Yipeng
Abstract:Aramid fiber reinforced plastic(AFRP) is widely used in military,aerospace and aerospace industries due to its high strength,toughness and superior impact resistance.However,in the highspeed drilling process,due to the anisotropy of the material and poor thermal conductivity,the tool is extremely easy to wear,resulting in many machining defects. In this paper, the highspeed drilling test of aramid fiber composites is carried out by TiCN coated tools.The wear law of the tool is discussed.Then,the influence of tool wear on the tear of the hole outlet and roughness is studied.At last,the mechanism of machining defects is analyzed.The results show that the tool wear has a significant effect on the tear of the outlet and the roughness,and the overall trend increases linearly.At the stage of stable wear,the roughness decreases and fluctuates within a certain range.
Keywords:aramid fiber reinforced plastic;highspeed drilling;tear;roughness