Experiment Research on Optimizing Processing Parameters of New High
Frequency Impact Compaction Based on Response Surface Method
Xu Yongxin,Hu Xinying,Dong Na,Wang Yanhua
Abstract:For obtaining the predicted equations of the new high frequency impact compaction of the surface hardness of the response surface,this paper which is used response surface methodology analysed new high frequency impact compaction orthogonal test data.The affected law of the impact compaction parameters on surface hardness is derived by analysing the equations.The surface hardness increased with increasing diameter of the toolhead,the affect is not markedness when the diameter reached 8.41mm.The surface hardness increased rapidly with increase of prepressure,the surface hardness began to fall when the limit reached 95.4N.When the feed speed is small,the surface hardness decreased with the increasing feed.However,at the feed rate above 0.0567mm/r,the surface hardness increased with the feed rate increasing.The optimal impact compaction parameters are obtained via further analysis for equations,which resembled the impact compaction parameters via the orthogonal range analysis.
Keywords:high frequency impact compaction;response surface method;optimizing processing parameters;the surface′s hardness