中图分类号:TG801; TH162文献标志码:A
Study on Application Interpretation of Maximum Material
Requirement and Its Case Study
Xu Xusong,Liu Jianan,Wu Dehui
Abstract:Aim at the problem of how to use the Maximum Material Requirement(MMR) on the toleranced feature and datum feature.Firstly,tolerance compensation(bonus tolerance)is incurred when MMR is applied to the toleranced feature.It makes the geometric tolerance zone increase dynamically. Secondly, datum shiftis incurred when MMR is applied to the datum feature.It makes the geometric tolerance zone translation or rotation relative to the datum.It is pointed out that bonus tolerance and datum shift all relax the part′s tolerance, but the datum shift is not the same as bonus tolerance for tolerance compensation.The "compensation" caused by the datum shift is related to the degree of freedom of the geometric tolerance zone which can be restrained by the datum. When the datum feature is far away from its Maximum Material Condition(MMC),the datum shift can just be used as tolerance compensation in the degree of freedom it constrained.Finally,the case of a hinge assembly is taken as an example to study the application of MMR on toleranced feature and datum feature,the results can provide reference for the MMR application in tolerance design,control and analysis.
Keywords:maximum material requirement;bonus tolerance;datum shift;tolerance design