Research on Complex Surface Detection Based on Least Squares
Liu Yefeng, Sun Fuying, Zhang Lei, Duan Xuming
Abstract:An impeller detection method based on numerical simulation,array pasting,iterative construction,and leastsquares algorithm is proposed.The sixpoint iterative method is used to establish the coordinate of the impeller detection, and then the algorithm steps of the 3-2-1 method to create the coordinate system are given.The detection point is rapidly generated by the method of array sticking and the detection of the impeller surface is given.The computer data processing method based on the principle of least squares is given.The detection method overcomes the disadvantages of easy interference,large number of detection items,and low detection efficiency in the traditional measurement.It can effectively improve the accuracy of the impeller detection and detection time.Through multiple detection and analysis,the results showed that the method is easy to program and measure,which with rapid, accurate and reliable results.
Keywords:iterative method;impeller;least square method;coordinate measuring machine;coordinate system