Cellular Automata Simulation for Phase Transition of Surface
White Layer in Highspeed Dry Cutting
Duan Chunzheng,Kou Wenneng,Zhang Fangyuan
Abstract:Highspeed dry cutting has austenite transformation and martensitic transformation occurring in the surface white layer.The microstructure of austenite and martensite determines the macroscopic mechanical properties of the machined surface.In order to visualize the process of austenite transformation and martensitic transformation during the formation of the white layer,the TEM dark field images of the white layer on machined surface are obtained by TEM experiments,then the grain sizes are measured according to the images.The number of austenite nucleation is calculated by the grain size.Combining the mechanism of phase transition,a phase evolution model of cellular automata for white layer formation is established.The austenite transformation and martensitic transformation about the evolutionary process of white layer are simulated,and the martensitic nucleation density of white layer with different flank wear is obtained.The simulation result shows that reducing the flank wear can improve the strength of martensite in white layer on machined surface to improve the fatigue resistance of machined surface.
Keywords:highspeed dry cutting;white layer;TEM;cellular automata;phase transition