作者:马辰卉,武文革,王昕宇,成云平,刘丽娟 单位:中北大学
中图分类号:TG162.2 ;TH765.2+6文献标志码:ADOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-7008.2019.02.025
Design and Research of Embedded Thin Film Thermocouple 
Temperature Measuring Tool
Ma Chenhui,Wu Wenge,Wang Xinyu,Cheng Yunping,Liu Lijuan
Abstract:An embedded thinfilm thermocouple tool to realize realtime measurement of transient temperature during cutting process is designed.By magnetron sputtering,Al2O3 insulation film,NiCr/NiSi film thermocouple and Si3N4 protective film on the tool rake face are prepared.Finally,cutting tools which can machine and measure cutting temperatures are made.In this paper,the fabrication of the electrode NiCr film and the Al2O3 insulation film and some  related performance detections are mainly introduced.Then,by using SolidWorks and DEFORM3D to do the 3D modeling and the cutting process simulation,the temperature field distribution of the cutter is obtained.
Keywords:cutting temperature;magnetron sputtering;thinfilm thermocouple