作者:续文浩,刘公雨,安庆龙,陈明 单位:上海交通大学
Experimental Study on Milling of TC4 Titanium Alloy with Carbide Coated 
Finepitched Milling Cutter
Xu Wenhao,Liu Gongyu,An Qinglong,Chen Ming
Abstract:By using the singlefactor test method,the TC4 titanium alloy milling test is performed with a finepitched milling cutter to determine the effect of feed rate and cutting speed per tooth on cutting force,cutting temperature,surface roughness and chip shape.The results show that the component forces in Fx and Fz directions increase,and the feed direction component force Fy does not change much with the increase of the feed rate per tooth;When the cutting speed is less than 75m/min,the cutting force decreases with the increase of cutting speed,when the cutting speed exceeds 75m/min,the cutting force does not change much.The cutting temperature is affected more by the feed rate,and the influence degree gradually decreases with the increase of the feed rate.With the increase of the feed rate,the machined surface roughness decreases first and then increases.When the feed per tooth is higher than 0.04mm/z,the chips produced by the milling TC4 titanium alloy are coiltype,and the radius of the chip decreases with the increase of the feed rate.The pitch of the coil shaped chip reduces with the increase of cutting speed.
Keywords:finepitched milling cutter;milling process;TC4 titanium alloy