作者:曹磊,宋金鹏,高杰 单位:太原理工大学机械工程学院;精密加工山西省重点实验室
Tribological Properties of TiB2TiNNiCsf Ceramic Tool Material Sliding 
Against 316L Austenitic Stainless Steel
Cao Lei,Song Jinpeng,Gao Jie
Abstract:Tribological properties of TiB2TiNNiCsf(TTNC) ceramic tool material sliding against 316L austenitic stainless steel have been studied.The results show that when the load is 65N and the sliding speed increases from 6m/min to 15m/min,the friction coefficient between these two materials and wear rate of TTNC ceramic tool material decreased;when the sliding speed is 15m/min and the load increases from 55N to 60N,friction coefficient and wear rate increased slowly;however,when the load increases from 60N to 70N at the sliding speed of 15m/min,the friction coefficient and wear rate increases dramatically;ploughs,lamellar structure,pits and tearing surfaces are left in the wear surface of TTNC ceramic tool material;the wear mechanism of this ceramic includes abrasive wear and adhesive wear.
Keywords:TiB2TiNNiCsf ceramic tool;friction coefficient;wear mechanism