作者:夏晓东1,唐迪2,王业甫3,杨凯4,王世杰1 单位:1沈阳工业大学;2南京军区南京总医院博士后科研工作站;3南京理工大学;4中国人民解放军陆军航空兵学院
Finite Element Simulation Study on Ultraprecision Cutting 
Process of SiCp/Al Composites
Xia Xiaodong,Tang Di,Wang Yefu,Yang Kai,Wang Shijie
Abstract:Regarding the problem of the low machined surface quality for ultraprecision cutting of SiCp/Al composites,a threedimensional simulation model is established by using the ABAQUS explicit to simulate the formation process of cutting surface dynamically.The crushing process of the SiC particle is analyzed to investigate the formation mechanism of the machined surface.By comparing with the machined surface morphologies under different depths of cut,the influence of the change of the relative position between the particle and the cutting tool on the surface morphology is analyzed.The simulation results show that the SiC particles are slightly damaged,cracked,and fractured.Three different types of machined defects,such as holes,pits,and scratches,appear on the machined surface.
Keywords:ultraprecisioncutting;SiCp/Al composites;surface morphology;machined defect