Selection of Process Parameters for Stainless Steel Hole Abrasive Flow
Wang Zhiyong,Du Jinjin,Shi Lei,Jin Herong
Abstract:If the process parameters of the abrasive flow polishing are unreasonable in processing different apertures,this leads to machine quality not to meet the requirements in actual production.The flow state of the fluid abrasive in the polishing hole during the polishing process of the abrasive flow is simulated by the method of fluid numerical simulation.And the relationship between the inlet pressure and the pore size and depth are obtained.The correctness of the numerical simulation conclusion is verified by the actual processing experiment. Combined with the numerical simulation conclusion,the selection rules for the processing parameters of the abrasive flow are determined and can be used to guide the actual production of different pore sizes and depths.
Keywords:abrasive flow polishing;stainless steel hole;numerical simulation;parameter optimization