作者:孙涛1,秦录芳1,傅玉灿2,侯军明3 单位:1徐州工程学院;2南京航空航天大学;3南京工程学院
摘要:针对现有正交车铣切削层几何形状仿真方法复杂及解析法无法明确其几何形状变化规律的问题,根据正交车铣的运动规律,结合NX 8.5软件提出了正交车铣切削层几何形状的仿真方法,并进行了试验验证和仿真分析。研究结果可为正交车铣切削力和加工振动的分析提供基础,并为正交车铣切削参数的优化提供指导。
Simulation and Analysis of Cutting Layer Geometry for Orthogonal Turnmilling
Sun Tao,Qin Lufang,Fu Yucan,Hou Junming
Abstract:In the existing research of cutting layer geometry for orthogonal turnmilling,there exist the following problems:the simulation method is complex and the analytical method cannot ascertain the change rule of cutting layer geometry.In this paper,based on the motion of orthogonal turnmilling,a simulation method of cutting layer geometry for orthogonal turnmilling is established by using software NX8.5,and experimental tests and simulation analysis are carried out.The research results could provide a foundation for the analysis of the force and vibration in cutting process of orthogonal turnmilling,and a guidance for the optimization of cutting parameters.
Keywords:orthogonal turnmilling;cutting layer;geometry;simulation