作者:何多政,任建华,郭辉,许锋国 单位:中航飞机股份有限公司长沙起落架分公司
关键词:超高强度钢 ;微小孔;复合中心钻
Highprecision Manufacturing for Small Holes in
 Workpieces of Longspan Landing Gear
He Duozheng,Ren Jianhua,Guo Hui,Xu Fengguo
Abstract:The front support rod assembly is an important structural part of a certain aircraft landing gear.The component material is a new material 300M.Affected by its structure and material strength,the sensor hole at the front support rod shaft neck is extremely difficult to process. Based on the analysis of the problem in the development stage of the product,a special composite center drill with centring function is designed and manufactured to solve the problem of drilling bias in the threaded surface.Through the cutting comparison test,the cutting parameters for the installation hole of the processing case are determined.And through the improvements of the process,and the drilling jig and the optimization of the tool,the largespan and smallhole machining technology of the frontmounted support assembly is realized to not only ensure the processing requirements of the highposition precision small hole,but also satisfy the interchange ability of the accessory parts.The process method is suitable for the manufacture of similar large components,and the special composite center drill can be used as an auxiliary tool for microhole centring processing.
Keywords:ultrahigh strength steel;microholes;composite centre drill