作者:刘佳奇,卢春霞,尹培丽 单位:西安工业大学
关键词:虚拟齿轮测量中心; 测头模型;Mysql数据库
Visual Modeling for Measuring System of Virtual Gear Measuring Center
Liu Jiaqi,Lu Chunxia,Yin Peili
Abstract:This paper studies the visualization method of the probe in the virtual gear measuring center.The acquisition principle and the structure of the probe are analyzed,and the parameterized structure model of the probe is determined.Based on VC++6.0,the techniques of database retrieval and 3DMAX modeling,the 3DS format probe model with different parameters is generated and the probe model file is called by database retrieval.Finally,the effect drawing is displayed in the virtual gear measuring center.
Keywords:virtual gear measuring center;probe model;Mysql database