作者:柯洁 单位:合肥工业大学
Subpixel Edge Detection Method under High Temperature Based on 
Mathematical Morphology and Gray Moment
Ke Jie
Abstract:An edge detection method for edge detection of specimens under high temperature is proposed,which can accurately detect the change of the edge of the specimen during the heating process.The Canny operator and mathematical morphology are used to locate the pixel level edge of the image.On the basis of the gray moment subpixel edge detection algorithm,the constraints of edge judgment condition are added,so that the subpixel edges can be detected,and the detected edges can be more true and reliable.The experimental analysis shows that the resolution accuracy of the algorithm can reach 0.1-0.15 pixels.This algorithm can achieve high accuracy and noncontact measurement of the edge of specimens under high temperature condition.
Keywords:edge detection;mathematical morphology;gray moment;subpixel