作者:李亮1,3,薛虎2,3,武鹏4,杨聪3,刘鹏3,朱奔驰3 单位:1南京航空航天大学;2江苏大学;3盐城工学院;4三一重机有限公司
Study on Influence of Gun Drill Angle Variation on Machining Quality 
of Ti6Al4V Titanium Alloy
Li Liang,Xue Hu,Wu Peng,Yang Cong,Liu Peng,Zhu Benchi
Abstract:In this paper,the force of drill bit is simplified according to the force influence factors of gundrill,and the influence of radial force and burnishing torque on the quality of deep hole machining is analyzed.According to the analysis results,the force condition of the drill bit is adjusted by changing the inner and outer angles of the gundrill.At the same time,considering that the grinding of the outer approach angle is more convenient and less influence on other flanks of the drill.In order to reduce the interference factor of the test and select the geometric parameters of the tool reasonably,the outer approach angle of the gundrill as a single variable to carry out the Ti6Al4V titanium alloy drilling test is chosen.By analyzing the test results,the influence of changing the outer edge on the drilling quality is determined.Finally,considering the factors such as the cutting force,the chip morphology and the processing quality,some suggestions on the optimization of the outer approach angle are given when drilling the Ti6Al4V titanium alloy.
Keywords:gundrill;outer approach angle;Ti6Al4V;optimization of design parameter