作者:王业甫1,李莉2,杨凯3 单位:1南京理工大学;2南京军区南京总医院博士后科研工作站;3中国人民解放军陆军航空兵学院
Mechanical Properties Simulation of Ultraprecision Cutting on 
SiCp/Al Composites
Wang Yefu,Li Li,Yang Kai
Abstract:This paper studies the mechanical properties of ultraprecision cutting SiCp/Al composites,and establishes a threedimensional finite element simulation model by using the finite element software ABAQUS to analyze the effects of tool rake,cutting speed on the cutting force.The results indicate that the cutting force increases with the increasing of cutting speed and decreases with the increasing of tool rake.Through analysing the stress cloud,the results show that the tool are worn easily for the large stress during cutting.
Keywords:SiCp/Al composite;finite element;cutting force