作者:于毅,黄传真,牛佳慧,徐龙华 单位:山东大学机械工程学院先进射流工程技术研究中心;高效洁净机械制造教育部重点实验室(山东大学);国家级机械工程实验教学示范中心(山东大学)
摘要:针对当前切削数据库无法主动推送数据的局限性,利用移动设备随时随地可用的优势,以MQTT(Message Queuing Telemetry Transport,消息队列遥测传输协议)协议为基础,设计和开发了一种面向 Android移动终端的切削数据主动推送系统,研究了系统架构、消息推送等领域的关键技术。测试结果表明:该系统在用户参与切削加工任务时,能够完成相关切削数据、设备信息、加工结果信息等的推送,同时实现了用户注册登录、身份验证、任务查询、自动订阅、切削数据主动推送、数据库查询修改等功能。
Design of Active Push System for Cutting Data 
Based on Message Queue Telemetry Transmission Protocol
Yu Yi,Huang Chuanzhen,Niu Jiahui,Xu Longhua 
Abstract:In view of the current limitation that the cutting database can not be actively pushed,an active push system for cutting data by Android system based on the MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) protocol is designed and developed to take into account the advantages that mobile devices can be available at anytime and anywhere.Then,the key technologies such as system architecture,data communication,data storage,and message push are studied.The test results show that the system can push the cutting data related to the cutting task that the users participate in,and realize the functions of user registration and login,identity verification,task query,automatic subscription,active data push and database query modification.
Keywords:cutting database;active data push;MQTT;Android