作者:廖湘辉,尹麒麟,程创,肖燕超,何彬 单位:三峡大学
Effect of Chipsplit Groove Shape on RCFtype PCB Milling Cutter
Liao Xianghui,Yin Qilin,Cheng Chuang,Xiao Yanchao,He Bin
Abstract:During the cutting process,the RCFtype milling cutter is prone to tool wear and even fatigue fracture,and the design of the chipsplit groove shape has an important influence on the cutting performance of the RCFtype milling cutter.In order to solve this problem,the overlap rate formula of RCF65 type milling cutter teeth,the calculation formula of slot width and the value range of slot depth are derived.By establishing RCF65 milling cutter model by SolidWorks,simulation of three types of cutters with chipsplit groove shape by using finite element analysis software AdvantEdge,the effects of different chipsplit groove shape on the temperature,cutting force and pressure of the tool during cutting are analyzed and the area where the tool is susceptible to fatigue fracture is found.The results show that the halfmoon type chipsplit groove RCF65 milling cutter′s performance is the best.
Keywords:RCF65type PCB milling cutter;chipsplit groove;core circle ratio;cutter tooth overlap rate