作者:张明阳,郭强,冯聪慧 单位:河南理工大学
Structural Analysis with Stability Prediction of Nonuniform Helix Angle Tools 
Zhang Mingyang,Guo Qiang,Feng Conghui
Abstract:With tools Uniform helix angle can not effectively suppress the chatter of highspeed machining.The spatial structures of the helix angle and pitch angle of each flute are analyzed.And the chatter stability defined by “regeneration factor” is considered.Then the governing equation of the machining system for nonuniform helix angle with pitch angle and the milling dynamics model are established.Based on this model,the Enhanced Multistage Homotopy Perturbation Method (EMHPM) is used to compute the stability lobes.For verifying the feasibility of the stability prediction for the cutter with nonuniform helix angle,the proposed method in this paper is compared with the full variable interpolation method by contrast experiment 1 and by contrast experiment 2,the tool with nonuniform helix angle is compared with the tool of uniform helix angle.The results show that the proposed method is accurate to predict the stability and the tools with nonuniform helix angle indeed increase the stability in milling process.
Keywords:tools with nonuniform helix angle;regeneration factor;cutting force;enhanced multistage homotopy perturbation method(EMHPM)