Reseach on Simulation of HobGrinding Structured Groove Surface with
Superabrasive Grinding Wheel with Abrasive Phyllotactic Pattern
Chen Tianyu,Lv Yushan,Che Dongze,Xiong Wei,Li Xingshan
Abstract:A kind of the super abrasive grinding wheel,which has defined abrasive grain pattern,are designed based on the phyllotaxis theory of biology,and puts forward the method of hobgrinding the structured groove surface.The kinematics simulation is proceeded to the process of grinding.The change of grinding parameters has an impact on the surface morphology of the structured groove surface in the grinding area,and the influence rule of the change of grinding parameters is obtained.The simulation results show that the speed ratio between the grinding wheel and workpiece determines the number of grooves,and as the speed ratio increases,the distance between grooves will decrease.In the grinding process,the smaller the axial feeding speed is,the lower the waviness of the will be.When the axial feeding speed exceeds the critical axial feeding speed,the groove surface will not be generated.As the depth of grinding deepens,the section size of grinding mark becomes larger and the length of grinding mark becomes longer.
Keywords:superabrasive grinding wheel;hobgrinding;structured surface;simulation phyllotactic pattern