作者:韩斌慧1,原彩霞2,张江波1,白钰枝1 单位:1西安航空职业技术学院;2中国航发山西航空发动机维修有限责任公司
Design of Turnover Fixture for ThinWalled with UShape
 Automobile Front Axle
Han Binhui,Yuan Caixia,Zhang Jiangbo,Bai Yuzhi
Abstract:The front axle of a certain type of car is welded by multisection curved and thinwalled structure.Due to the requirement of load,various elements such as reinforcement bars and connecting holes are distributed on it,it must be turned around in multiple processes when manufacturing in medium batch.According to the basic principle of fixture design,the method of topdown assembly design with SolidWorks software is used to complete the design of interprocess turnover fixture.Through motion simulation,finite element static analysis,static load test and dynamic load test,the fixture can meet the production requirements,and has the characteristics of simple operation,fast clamping,safety and reliability.This design method can be used for reference in the design of fixture for similar thinwalled with specialshaped parts.
Keywords:car;front axle;thinwalled;fixture;SolidWorks