摘要:针对6061铝合金在切削过程中易出现切屑粘刀现象,引起切削力增大和切削表面质量恶化的问题,以贝类体表耐磨、抗粘附非光滑凹槽形态为仿生对象,在两刃球头铣刀前刀面植入凹槽型微织构。为优选仿生微织构结构参数,进行微织构宽度为0μm、30μm、50μm、70μm、90μm、120μm的球头铣刀铣削试验。通过快速傅里叶变换(Fast Fourier Transform,FFT)、切削力均值分析及铣削表面三维形貌分析,研究了仿生微织构球头铣刀凹槽宽度对6061铝合金切削性能的影响。结果表明:仿生微织构宽度对球头铣刀切削稳定性、耐磨性及铣削表面质量具有重要影响。优选出仿生微织构宽度为70μm时对减小三向切削力、改善切削稳定性和提高6061铝合金铣削表面质量均有较理想的效果。
Influence of Biomimetic Microtextured Ball End Mill on
Machinability of 6061 Aluminum Alloy
Zhao Dengchao,Liu Xiaomin,Chen Liang,Luo Linhui
Abstract:Aiming at the problem of chip adhesion causing cutting force increase and surface quality deterioration in 6061 aluminum alloy cutting process,the nonsmooth wearresistance and antiadhesion grooves of shellfish bionic surfaces are implanted into the rake faces of twoflute ball end mills. In order to obtain the reasonable bionic structure,experiments are carried out with micro texture widths of 0μm,30μm,50μm,70μm,90μm and 120μm.The influence of the micro texture width on the machinability of 6061 aluminum alloy is then studied by Fast Fourier Transform,cutting force mean value and the threedimensional topography of the milled surface.The experimental results show that the width of the bionic micro texture has a great influence on the cutting stability,wear resistance of the tool and the machined surface quality.It is found that the micro texture of width 70μm can effectively reduce the triaxial milling force,improve the milling stability and enhance the machined surface quality.
Keywords:micro texture;ball end mill;6061 aluminum alloy;cutting force;surface quality