作者:唐玲艳1,唐联耀1,李鹏南2,邱新义2,牛秋林2 单位:1广东科技学院;2湖南科技大学
Effect of Workpiece Preloading Temperature on Ti6Al4V Turning Process
Tang Lingyan,Tang Lianyao,Li Pengnan,Qiu Xinyi,Niu Qiulin
Abstract:The feasibility of the simulation model is verified by comparing the cutting force,chip form and saw tooth degree of the simulation and the cutting experiment.Then the influence of the workpiece preloading temperature on chip morphology,cutting force and cutting temperature is studied by simulation analysis method.The critical preheating temperature of the workpiece from serrated chip to strip chip is obtained.The results show that the chip deformation decreases with the increase of the preloading temperature.When v=50m/min,the critical preloading temperature for saw tooth chips to strip chips is between 150℃-200℃,and the critical preloading temperature for cutting speed v=110-170m/min is about 250℃.
Keywords:workpiece preloading temperature;Ti6Al4V;finite element method;saw tooth chip