作者:朱家林,孟凡勇,闫光,宋言明,娄小平 单位:北京信息科技大学;光电信息与仪器北京市工程研究中心
Aircraft Fuel Tank Level Monitoring Sensor Based on Optical Fiber Sensor
Zhu Jialin,Meng Fanyong,Yan Guang,Song Yanming,Lou Xiaoping
Abstract:In order to monitor the liquid level of aircraft fuel tank,a new type of fiber bragg grating temperature sensor based on quartz material is designed.The thermal expansion coefficient of the material is consistent with that of the fiber, which avoids the longterm stability variation caused by the difference between the thermal expansion coefficients of the grating and the matrix.And the safety of fuel tank under inflammable and explosive environment is also guaranteed by the whole nonmetal packaging form.The glue is fixed on the quartz substrate by UV glue.The performance of the sensor is tested by temperature repeatability,temperature calibration and verification experiments.The experimental results show that the linearity of FBG temperature sensor based on quartz material is 0.998 and the temperature sensitivity is 8.5-92pm/℃.As a result,the sensor shows a good performance.The sensors are arrayed around the inner wall of the aircraft fuel tank and the accuracy of the tank level measurement is related to the density of the sensors, which can meet the requirement of monitoring the tank level.
Keywords:fiber bragg grating;temperature sensor;quartz material;package;aircraft fuel tank level