作者:周佼1,廖湘平2,刘永吉3 单位:1河海大学常州校区;2湖南人文科技学院;3成都飞机工业(集团)有限公司
Analysis of Honing Thermal Deformation Law of Cylinder 
Zhou jiao,Liao Xiangping,Liu Yongji
Abstract:Honing technology is the last working procedure in the processing of hydraulic cylinder.After honing,the thermal deformation of cylinder has a negative impact on the measurement of inner hole size.In order to ensure the production efficiency and improve the dimensional accuracy of cylinder after honing,taking boom cylinder and conveyor cylinder as examples,the analysis experiment of honing thermal deformation is carried out on honing machine,and the data of honing thermal deformation of cylinder under different cylinder diameter,wall thickness and temperature rise are obtained.The results show that the bigger the temperature rise,the bigger the cylinder diameter,the smaller the wall thickness and the bigger the honing thermal deformation.
Keywords:cylinder processing;honing;thermal deformation