作者:王兴1,郭阳宽1,郭会梁2,李文庆2,曹精忠2 单位:1北京信息科技大学光电测试技术北京市重点实验室;2北京沃华慧通测控技术有限公司
Visual Inspection Method for Offset of Casing Ply in Tire Molding Machine
Wang Xing,Guo Yangkuan,Guo Huiliang,Li Wenqing,Cao Jingzhong
Abstract:The offset of casing ply is the main reason forunstable running and beating of military and other vehiclestires.Using machine vision to achieve the casing ply offset noncontact online inspection and lay the foundation for tire smooth running.On the basis of elaborating the principle of visual inspection method for offset of casing ply,discuss the data processing and the offset calculating method in detail,and use the acquired data point cloud can reconstruct the casing ply surface profile color point cloud map.The results show that the visual inspection system can well complete offset of casing ply measurement,and can provide accurate control for the tire forming process to ensure the quality of molded tires.
Keywords:tire molding machine;offset of casing ply;machine vision;laser triangulation;line structure light detection;digital image filtering;image reconstruction