作者:宋霄1,李钦奉1,刘柳1,耿莹晶2,李国超1,刘汉阳1 单位:1江苏科技大学;2山西江淮重工有限责任公司
Simulation and Experimental Analysis of Aluminum Alloy Milling 
Based on DEFORM3D
Song Xiao,Li Qinfeng,Liu Liu,Geng Yingjing,Li Guochao,Liu Hanyang
Abstract:Milling force and machine torsion force are the main factors that cause the deformation of parts,especially some thin wall parts.In this paper,using DEFORM3D JohnsonCook,a model is established,using the finite element method (fem) for Al7075T351 aluminum alloy selection of best cutting depth,on the basis of looking for the best numerical tool linear velocity scope,study its best result stress curve,using the simulation data curve contrast curve with the experimental data to validate the simulation reliability,Al7075T351 milling process research provide reference for the milling parameters.
Keywords:Al7075T351;milling;finite element simulation;JohnsonCook model