作者:温建利1,赵斌2,姜军2,严巾堪2,张道坤2 单位:1中车齐齐哈尔车辆有限公司;2中车山东机车车辆有限公司
摘要:针对镍基高温合金Inconel 718材料,探究铣削加工参数与表面润湿特性的关系,研究不同液体介质(水、人工海水、32号润滑油)接触角变化对表面摩擦磨损及耐腐蚀性能的影响。利用正交试验法研究铣削参数(切削速度Vs、每齿进给量fz以及切削深度ap)与表面润湿性的关系,利用单因素试验研究接触角变化对摩擦系数f和腐蚀速率的影响。对于镍基高温合金Inconel 718材料表面,水的接触角θ、每齿进给量fz对其影响最大,切削深度ap次之,铣削速度Vs最小,且在Vs=60m/min、fz=0.05mm/r、ap=0.6mm时接触角最小;采用32号油润滑时,分别观察接触角θ为9°、12°、16°、19°、21°时摩擦系数的变化;随着θ的增大,摩擦系数f在0.08~0.20之间逐渐增加,增大趋势明显;对于水润滑,摩擦系数f随接触角θ增加,并在0.24~0.27之间变化,增大的趋势很微弱;对于长期工作于海水中的镍基高温合金Inconel 718材料表面,接触角θ从61°增大到79°时,相同时间内腐蚀量从0.65%下降为0.45%,耐腐蚀性变好。对于镍基高温合金Inconel 718材料表面的铣削加工,为获得较好的润湿性能,应重点关注每齿进给量fz和切削深度ap;为提高Inconel 718材料表面的摩擦性能,应尽量减小表面对润滑剂的接触角;提高对腐蚀性介质的疏水性则可以有效改善Inconel 718材料表面的耐腐蚀性能。
关键词:Inconel 718合金;润湿性;接触角;铣削参数;摩擦性能;耐腐蚀性能
Effect of Surface Wettability on Wear and Corrosion Resistance 
Performance of Inconel 718
Wen Jianli,Zhao Bin,Jiang Jun,Yan Jinkan,Zhang Daokun
Abstract:Aiming at Inconel 718,the relationship between milling parameters and surface wettability is discussed,and the effects of contact angle θ for different fluid (water,artificial seawater,and 32# lubricating oil) on surface friction and corrosion resistance performances are investigated.The orthogonal experiment is used to study the relationship between milling parameters (milling speed Vs,feed per tooth fz,and cutting depth ap) and surface wettability,and the singlefactor experiment is employed to investigate the effect of θ  on friction coefficient and corrosion rate.The results show that,for the contact angle θ  of water on Inconel 718 surface,the most significant factor affecting θ is feed per tooth fz,while cutting depth ap and milling speed Vs are less significant sequentially.Moreover,the minimum θ is produced at Vs=60m/min,fz=005mm/r,ap=0.6mm.When the oil is selected as the lubricant,the variation of friction coefficient f is observed when the contact angle θ  is 9°,12°,16°,19°,21°.Friction coefficient f is increased significantly from 0.08 to 0.20 as the θ  is increased.For water lubrication,friction coefficient f is increased slightly from 0.24 to 0.27 as the θ is increased.For Inconel 718 alloy surfaces working in seawater,as the contact angle θ is increased from 61°to 79°,the corrosion percentage is decreased from 0.65% to 0.45%,and the corrosion resistance performance gets better.In conclusion,for the milling of Inconel 718 surfaces,the fz,cutting depth ap should be given more attentions to achieve better wettability.To improve the friction property of Inconel 718 surfaces,the θ for lubricants should be decreased.Moreover,enhancing the hydrophobicity for corrosive medium can be improved the surface corrosion resistance performance of Inconel 718 efficiently.
Keywords:Inconel 718 alloy;wettability;contact angle;milling parameter;friction property;corrosion resistance property