作者:李伟家,沈春根,马永,唐永亮 单位:江苏大学
摘要:针对复杂薄壁件在铣削加工过程中出现的颤振现象,设计了一种基于被动阻尼减振技术的大长径比减振铣刀。建立了被动阻尼减振铣刀的动力学模型,推导出了最佳阻尼比、最优频率比和最大相对振幅,借助NX Nastran软件对被动阻尼减振铣刀进行了模态分析,利用ADAMS软件建立了被动阻尼减振铣刀的刚柔耦合模型,并进行了频域内响应仿真,结果表明,被动阻尼减振铣刀相较于实心铣刀刀杆和空心铣刀刀杆的最大响应幅值分别下降了37.2%和14.9%。
Structure Design and Vibration Optimization Analysis of Passive Damping
 Antivibration Milling Cutter
Li Weijia,Shen Chungen,Ma Yong,Tang Yongliang
Abstract:According to the chatter phenomenon of complex thinwalled components during the milling,based on passive damping antivibration technology,a large aspect ratio antivibration milling cutter is designed.The dynamic model of passive damping antivibration milling cutter is established,and the optimal damping ratio,optimal frequency ratio and maximum relative amplitude are derived.The modal analysis of passive damping antivibration milling cutter is carried out by NX Nastran software.The rigidflexible coupling model of the passive damping antivibration milling cutter is established and the response in the frequency domain is simulated.The simulation results show that the maximum response amplitude of the passive damping antivibration milling cutter is 37.2% and 14.9% lower than that of the solid milling cutter and the hollow milling cutter.
Keywords:antivibration milling cutter;passive damping;modal analysis;rigidflexible coupling model;vibration characteristics