作者:刘高领,朱海星,刘振忠 单位:天津市先进机电系统设计与智能控制重点实验室;机电工程国家级实验教学示范中心(天津理工大学)
NURBS Curve Interpolation Based on Fourthorder RungeKutta Algorithm
 Liu Gaoling,Zhu Haixing,Liu Zhenzhong
Abstract:In order to improve the precision processing ability of NC machine tools,a NURBS curve interpolation method based on fourthorder RungeKutta algorithm is proposed in this paper.In this method,the fourthorder RungeKutta algorithm is used to solve the node vector of NURBS curve,and the node vector increment of NURBS curve with higher accuracy is obtained.The backward difference method is used instead of the complex calculation process of differential derivation to improve the stability of NURBS curve interpolation.The interpolation step of NURBS curve is limited by the method of bow height and maximum acceleration constraints to reduce the influence of interpolation error on the interpolation algorithm.The NURBS curve interpolation algorithm process is simulated and analyzed by using MATLAB software,which is verified the rationality and feasibility of the NURBS curve interpolation method.
Keywords:fourth order RungeKutta;NURBS curve;interpolation algorithm;CNC machine tool