作者:李照寅,黄秋实,徐锦泱,黄祥辉,冀敏 单位:上海交通大学
Comparative Study of Drilling Machinability of Carbon/PI
 and Carbon/Epoxy Composites
Li Zhaoyin,Huang Qiushi,Xu Jinyang,Huang Xianghui,Ji Min
Abstract:The drilling machinability of carbon/PI and carbon/epoxy composites is compared,and the variations of the thrust forces and machining temperatures in terms of different spindle speeds and the feed rates are analyzed during the composite drilling process.Additionally,the hole quality (such as the exit hole morphologies and tearing extents) is studied.The results indicate that the carbon/epoxy composites show a much poorer machinability than the carbon/PI composites,and both the spindle speed and the feed rate have a significant effect on the hole quality of the two composite materials.
Keywords:carbon/PI;carbon/epoxy;drilling;thrust force;drilling temperature;hole quality