作者:丁建华,朱洪涛,王明佳,黎明河,王国宁,张锟 单位:先进射流工程技术研究中心;山东大学高效洁净机械制造教育部重点实验室;机械工程国家级实验教学示范中心(山东大学);山东大学机械工程学院
摘要:介绍了微小盲孔内表面磨料两相流体研抛加工原理,基于流体动压润滑原理、Realizable kε双方程模型湍流模型和mixture多相流模型,建立了微小盲孔内表面动压磨料流体研抛加工中研抛磨头与微小盲孔内表面加工区域流体动压力的三维模型。应用ANSYSFluent流体动力学软件对流体动力学压力进行求解,结果表明:流体动压力随研抛磨头转速的增大而增大,随研抛磨头直径的增大而增大,随研抛磨头与微小盲孔内表面之间间隙的增大而减小。压力峰值发生在最小间隙区域,当间隙逐渐变大时,峰值区域逐渐前移并且变宽;在研抛磨头浸入微小盲孔方向,除边缘处有测泄外,流体动压力相同。
Simulation Study on Machining Area of Micro Blind Hole
 With Dynamic Pressure Abrasive Fluid
Ding Jianhua,Zhu Hongtao,Wang Mingjia,Li Minghe,Wang Guoning,Zhang Kun
Abstract:Based on Navierstokes equation and fluid continuity equation, a threedimensional model of the hydrodynamic force in the grinding head and the machining area of the inner surface of the micro blind hole is established.The results show that the hydrodynamic pressure increases with the increase of the rotating speed of the grinding head,increases with the increasing of the grinding head diameter,and decreases with the increasing of the gap between the grinding head and the inner surface of the micro blind hole.The peak pressure occurs in the minimum gap area.When the gap becomes larger,the peak area gradually moves forward and widens.When the grinding head is immersed in the direction of small blind hole,the hydrodynamic pressure is the same except for the leakage at the edge.
Keywords:small blind hole;hydrodynamic pressure;abrasive fluid;numerical simulation