作者:徐锦泱,李超,冀敏 单位:上海交通大学
Review on Recent Advances in Drilling of CFRP/Ti Stacks
Xu Jinyang,Li Chao,Ji Min
Abstract:Carbon fiberreinforced polymer/titanium alloy (CFRP/Ti) stacks are being widely used in the modern aerospace fields due to their superior mechanical/physical properties and flexible structural functions.This paper reviews the stateoftheart research advances and development trends of drilling techniques for CFRP/Ti stacks and introduces the drilling mechanisms of these materials.Then,a particular focus is placed on the elaboration of the key characteristics and the formation mechanisms of drillinginduced defects for the CFRP/Ti stacks.Afterwards,the intrinsic correlations between the hole quality of drilled stacks and the cutting conditions such as the process parameters,tool structures and drilling sequences are carefully discussed.To realize the highefficient and highprecision machining of multilayer stacks,some future research directions such as the use of the variableparameter drilling technology,the modeling and simulation of drilling heat generation and transfer as well as the development of the prediction and control models for the drilling defects of stacks are proposed.
Keywords:multilayer stacks;drilling mechanism;machining quality;interface damage;tool performance