Incoloy 901涡轮榫槽拉刀仿真优化设计
作者:黄祥辉,明伟伟,安庆龙,徐锦泱,陈明 单位:上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院
关键词:涡轮榫槽;拉刀设计;Incoloy 901;有限元仿真;切屑变形系数
Simulation Optimization Design of Incoloy 901 Turbine Tongue and Groove Broach
Huang Xianghui,Ming Weiwei,An Qinglong,Xu Jinyang,Chen Ming
Abstract:Turbine tongue and groove,as the connecting part of the blade and the disk,have strict requirements on surface quality and geometric accuracy.The key element of tongue and groove forming broaching is the broach design.This paper studies the influence of geometrical parameters of broach on cutting force,chip shape and size by finite element simulation method.First,the broach geometry model is established by SolidWorks in equal proportions,and then the broaching simulation model is established by AdvantEdge software.Chip curvature radius and chip thickness are selected as standards for verification,and the error is within the acceptable range.Then,a simulation scheme is developed based on machining experience.The influence of rise per tooth,tooth pitch,rake angle,groove depth,and arc radius at the bottom of the groove on the cutting process are described.The results show that the chip deformation coefficient increases with the amount of rise per tooth.The cutting force decreases with the increase of the rake angle,but the decreasing speed gradually reduces.The cutting temperature increases with the amount of tooth lift and the arc radius of the groove bottom,but the overall increase is not large; the chip curvature radius decreases as the tool rake angle and tooth root arc radius increase.
Keywords:turbine tongue and groove;broach design;incoloy 901;finite element simulation;chip deformation coefficient