Edge Optimization of Disc Hob Based on Rock Joint Features
Hao Yongxing,Liu Qian,Pang Yonghui,Liu Yang,Zhang Taiping,Jiang Zhengquan
Abstract:In order to study the influence of joint characteristics on rock breaking characteristics of rock tunnel boring machine (TBM) disc hob,this paper uses ABAQUS to model and adopt a modified DmckerPrager rock model.The joint spacing is 30mm,40mm,50mm,60mm,the cutting edge angle is 20°,30°,40°,50°,60°,70°,80°,90°.The influence of joint spacing on rock breaking efficiency under different cutting edge angles is analyzed,specific energy consumption in different situations.The results show that regardless of the joint spacing,the fracture of the rock at the joint surface is better than that of other parts.When the joint pitch is constant,the change of specific energy consumption will show a wave shape change with the increase of the blade angle.From the perspective of rock breaking efficiency,when the blade angle is 60°,the specific energy consumption is the lowest,and the TBM disc hob has the highest breaking efficiency.When the blade angle is constant,the specific energy consumption also increases with the increase of joint spacing,and the rock breaking efficiency decreases.When the joint spacing is 30mm,the specific energy consumption is the smallest and the efficiency is the highest.The size of the optimal blade angle decreases slowly and then increases sharply as the joint pitch increases.When the joint pitch is 30~46mm,the change of the blade angle is about 60°,and the change is not great.When the joint pitch is 46~60mm,the optimal blade angle changes sharply,from 58° to 73°.
Keywords:joint feature;disc hob;ABAQUS;rock breaking; specific energy consumption