作者:王运1,张昌明1,2 单位:1陕西理工大学机械工程学院;2陕西省工业自动化重点实验室
Simulation on Broaching Process of AerMet100 Ultrahigh Strength Steel
Wang Yun,Zhang Changming
Abstract:In order to predict machining of cutting force and cutting temperature preferably,by using AdvantEdge software for AerMet100 ultrahigh strength steel broaching process simulation,through single factor experiment method,the different cutting parameters on cutting force and cutting temperature are analyzed.Multiple linear regression analysis is used to analysis the orthogonal simulation test data,and the model formulas of cutting force and cutting temperature are established,the optimal combination is selected by range analysis method and the model is verified.The results show that the tooth lift is the main factor affecting the cutting force,the cutting speed and the broach rake angle are the second.Tooth lift and cutting speed are also the main factors affecting the cutting temperature.The relief angle of broach has little influence on the cutting force and cutting temperature,and the established model formula can predict cutting force and cutting temperature much better.
Keywords:AerMet100 ultrahigh strength steel;orthogonal test;cutting force model;cutting temperature model;range analysis