Experimental Study on Processing Technology of ZTA15 Titanium Alloy
Thinwalled Shell
Hou Yajuan,Dong Li,Wang Weixuan,Zhang Yanming,Zhao Guiqing
Abstract:The difficult processability greatly restricts the application of thinwalled structural parts of titanium alloy in the aerospace field.The characteristics of material and cutting of titanium alloy are analyzed,and the suitable turning tool is selected to improve the durability.The rigidity of process system is improved by designing reasonable tooling.The orthogonal cutting tests are conducted to study the cutting parameters of ZTA15 titanium alloy thinwalled shell under dry intermittent cutting conditions.The influences of the cutting speed,feed rate and backfeeding on deformation and tool wear are analyzed,the optimal cutting parameters are obtained.The experimental research laid the foundation for the optimization of the turning process of titanium alloy thinwalled shell,which is of great significance for improving the manufacturing level of titanium alloy thinwalled structural parts.
Keywords:ZTA15 titanium alloy;thinwalled shell;dry intermittent cutting conditions;tool wear;cutting parameter