Prediction Study on Surface Topography Distribution of Milling Titanium Alloy
Li Yaqing,Zhao Peiyi,Jiang Bin,Yu Xin
Abstract:Titanium alloy material has low stability during cutting process,the forced vibration of the tool and workpiece is obvious.The contact relationship of the cutter is changed at any time,resulting in low consistency of the surface topography distribution,which is a constraint to further improve the quality of the machined surface.bottleneck.In this work,the titanium alloy experiment is carried out.According to the nonlinear random variation characteristics of milling vibration and machined surface topography,the Gaussian process regression method is used to construct the Gaussian process model of machining surface topography under milling vibration.The influence of tool tooth error and milling vibration on the surface profile distribution of machining surface is provided the basic model for milling width,tool tooth error design and tool flank wear and milling vibration control.
Keywords:titanium alloy;milling vibration;machined surface topography;Gaussian process regression