作者:张帆1,唐军1,田俊成2 单位:1陕西工业职业技术学院,2西安鸣士数控机床股份有限公司
Reform and Application of Floating Sixjaw Chuck
Zhang Fan,Tang Jun,Tian Juncheng
Abstract:Aiming at the problem that the threejaw chuck is prone to deformation when holding thinwalled work piece,a method to reform the threejaw chuck into a floating selfcentering sixjaw chuck with reliable principle and simple structur is introduced.The reformed chuck ensures floating contact,centering clamping,stability and reliability.At the same time,the deformation of thinwalled work piece is reduced.The paper also shows the test data,which proves floating selfcentering sixjaw chuck can greatly improve the processing accuracy of thinwalled work piece.
Keywords:threejaw chuck reform;floating sixjaw chuck;principle analysis;precision contrast