作者:张小粉1,张宪坤2,白瑀2 单位:1咸阳职业技术学院机电(技师)学院;2西安工业大学
Cutting Experiment and Chip Morphology Analysis of 45 Steel Gun Drill 
with Deep Hole
Zhang Xiaofen,Zhang Xiankun,Bai Yu
Abstract:The chip shape has a great influence on the forming accuracy of the deep hole during the gun drilling.The chip generated by the drill tip is easy to block in the Vshaped chip discharge groove or wound on the drill bit.Reasonable chip breaking and chip removal are the premise to ensure the smooth processing.This article of the 45 steel by carbide gun drill deep hole processing experiment,using the single factor experimental method to study the effect of cutting speed and feed on chip morphology,observation found that cutting speed is low,mainly for the continuous chip,cutting speed is high,mainly for the unit chip,when the cutting speed remains the same,with the increase of feed,the main chip shape from a long strip chip gradually shift to the unit.When the feed rate remains the same,with the increase of the cutting speed,the chip size is from large to small and then back to large.
Keywords:deep hole processing;gun drill;chip morphology;single factor