Research on Machining Techniques for Large Thinwalled
Components Made of Hard Aluminum Alloys
Ren Yuqiang,Li Guojian,Bai Hao
Abstract:Machining characteristics of thinwalled components made of highstrength hard aluminum alloys are studied with the example of the left and right receiver complex of a gun.Apply layered milling to the blank,use cross layered milling to reduce stressinduced deformation,and adopt the planing method to meet the requirement of big plane flatness and couple the walls of both receivers together to drill holes so as to make sure the holes are well aligned.All of these efforts are intended to optimize the process routes and machining techniques.It has been proved that through the practice these machining techniques have improved quality and efficiency,it can be applied to control stress deformation when machining other thinwalled components.
Keywords:thinwalled component;porous component;stressinduced deformation;cross layered milling