作者:张义凯,熊良山,杨鹤青 单位:华中科技大学机械科学与工程学院
Obtaining and Applying of Empirical Formulas of Cutting State Parameters for 
Modeling of Chip Flow Angle Catastrophe
Zhang Yikai,Xiong Liangshan,Yang Heqing
Abstract:To improve the prediction accuracy of the model of CFA catastrophe,the empirical formulas between CSP and three cutting control parameters are established.A method of accurately setting the friction coefficient in the finite element simulation software by iteration is proposed,and a set of CSP changing with the cutting conditions are obtained through the finite element simulation of the orthogonalcutting of Al6061T6 workpiece.The empirical formulas for calculating the CSP (the shear angle φ,the toolchip friction angle β and the shear stress τs) are fitted accordingly,in which the tool rake angle γ0,the feed rate f and the cutting speed v are considered.A series of orthogonalcutting experiments of Al6061T6 workpiece are completed to validate the accuracy of these empirical formulas.After applying the new empirical formulas to the modeling of CFA catastrophe,the average of prediction error of the critical width of cut of the new model is reduced by 27.2% compared with the empirical formulas established by previous researchers.
Keywords:chip flow angle catastrophe;modeling;cutting state parameters;empirical formula;finite element simulation