作者:闫奎呈,田宪华,刘亚,王磊 单位:中国矿业大学机电工程学院
Orthogonal Cutting Experiment Study of (Ti,Al)N+TiN Coated Carbide Tools for 
Processing Ironbased Superalloy
Yan Kuicheng,Tian Xianhua,Liu Ya,Wang Lei
Abstract:The dry cutting tests with (Ti,Al)N+TiN coated carbide tools are done on ironbased superalloy GH2132 by orthogonal experiment method for obtaining information on cutting force,cutting temperature,surface roughness,tool life.Theirempirical formulas are established by multivariate regression analysis with least square method,and influence laws on cutting force,cutting temperature,surface roughness,tool life are studied.The tests show that the order in which cutting parameters affects them is as follows,cutting force:ap>f>vc,cutting temperature:vc>ap>f,surface roughness:f>vc>ap,tool life:vc>f>ap.
Keywords:superalloy;coated carbide tool;cutting force;cutting temperature;surface roughness;tool life